幼兒英語 盡量以簡單的句子(2-4個單字),搭配誇張的語調,較慢的語速。以下是我在餵奶時,會跟寶寶說的英語,分享給大家。
- 你餓了嗎?媽咪幫你泡牛奶。Are you hungry? Mommy is making/bringing milk for you.
- 你餓了吼?You are hungry/starving, huh?
- 我再(用冷水)把你的牛奶沖涼。I am cooling the milk (with cold water).
- 我看到你在吃手手。I see you chewing on/sucking your hand.
- 現在還不是喝牛奶的時候,在一小時。 It’s not food/meal time. Wait another hour.
- 你才剛喝完不久。You just drank milk (few minutes ago).
- 快到喝奶的時間了,再等一下。It’s almost milk time. Wait a second/minute.
- 你這次撐了五個小時耶!It’s been 5 hours this time.
- 先幫你用圍兜兜。 Let me put on your bib first. / Let me put the bib on you first.
- 你在喝牛奶嗎?你在喝牛奶。Are you drinking milk? You are drinking milk.
- 慢慢喝,不然會被牛奶嗆到。Drink it slowly. You may choke (on milk).
- 你喝好快,快要喝完了。You drink it so fast. The bottle is almost empty.
- 我這次多泡一些給你喝。 I’m making more milk for you.
- 先暫停一下,我們先來拍嗝。Can you stop drinking? Let’s burp first.
- 剩一點點,把它喝完。Just a little left/more. Drink it all.
- 你不想喝了嗎?好吧!我把它倒掉。You don’t want to drink? OK. I will throw it away.
- 你溢奶了。You are spitting up (the milk).
- 你在吹泡泡嗎?Are you blowing bubbles?
- 你喝完了。You drank it all. / You finished it.
- 沒有牛奶了,已經空了。( There is ) no more milk. It is empty.
- 我先幫你擦嘴巴。Let me wipe your mouth.
- 你吃飽了嗎?Are you full?
- 你喝不夠嗎?You didn’t drink enough milk?
- 怎麼哭了,還想再喝嗎?Why are you crying. Want to drink more milk?
- 坐起來,媽咪幫你拍嗝。Sit up (straight). Mommy is going to help you burp.
- 不要亂動,你還沒有打嗝。Don’t move / Stay still. You haven’t burped yet.
- 我繼續拍,幫你把多的空氣排出來。I’m patting you more. Let’s get this air out from your tummy/belly.
- 你的衣服都是奶味。Your clothes have the scent of milk.