- 你有聽到嗎?那是什麼?那是水聲。Do you hear that? What is that? It is the sound of water.
- 你看!水流出來了!Can you see that? The water is coming out (of the faucet.)
- 洗澡囉!It is bath time.
- 媽咪要幫你洗澡了。Mommy is going to give you a bath / shower.
- 你準備好要下水了嗎?Are you ready to be in the water?
- 我要把你放下去了。I’m going to put you down.
- 媽咪幫你沖頭髮。Mommy is going to rinse your hair.
- 洗頭髮。Shampoo your hair.
- 洗臉 / 洗 (身體部位)。Wash your face / (body parts).
- 我們洗好了。We are done bathing.
- 我們把頭髮擦乾。Let’s dry your hair / (body parts).
- 我們來穿衣服。Let’s put on your clothes.
- 你聞起來香香的。You smell good.
- 你有覺得清爽嗎? Are you feeling refreshed?