換尿布時會說什麼英文呢?尿尿不只可以說 pee,放屁不只可以說fart。以下是我在換尿布時,會跟寶寶說的英語,分享給大家。
- 你尿尿了嗎? Did you wee wee / pee pee / tinkle?
- 你放屁嗎?我聽到了。Was that toot/poot? I heard that.
※ fart (放屁) 偏向大人用語 - 這是什麼味道?你便便了嗎? What is that smell? Did you poo poo?
- 你的臉變紅了,你在便便嗎? Your face is (turning) red. Are you pooping?
- 用力!Push out (harder).
- 你看起來很用力,你的便便很硬嗎?It looks like you push it a lot. Is your poo poo hard?
※ constipation (便祕) 對寶寶來說較難 - 你大完了嗎?Are you done pooping yet?
- 臭臭!It stinks. / It’s stinky. / It smells.
- 媽媽幫你換尿布。Mommy is going to change your diaper.
- 我們躺下。Let’s lie down.
- 腳抬高。Pull up your legs.
- 喔!你一直亂動。Oh! You are moving all over the place.
- 不要亂動。Stay still / Hold still.
- 哇!你尿好多喔!Wow. You peed a lot. / There is a lot of pee pee here.
- 哇!你便便好多喔!Wow. You did a lot of poo poo.
- 你的便便水水的,拉肚子嗎?Your poo poo is watery. Do you have diarrhea?
- 我幫你洗屁屁。Let me wash your butt.
- 我幫你擦屁屁膏。Let me put on some lotion (cream) for you.
- 在等一下,快好了。Wait a minute. We almost finished. / We’re almost done.
- 你便便到床上了。You poo poo on the bed.
- 你尿到自己了。You pee pee / tinkle on yourself.
- 爸爸,幫我把他的小雞雞遮住。Daddy, help me cover his private part.
※ buhgina (女生的妹妹),peeny (男生的雞雞)
※ private part (私處,男女皆可,較文雅的說法) - 你尿布穿太久屁屁都變紅了。You’ve got a diaper rash for having it on for a long time.
- 換好了。It is done. / Changing diaper is completed.
- 有比較舒服/清爽了嗎?Feel more comfortable / fresh?
- 你變乾淨了。You are nice and clean.